Sunday, January 31, 2010

New Year and Resolutions

With January now in the rearview mirror, I am more than excited to start writing for the first time (at least in a blog).
As I begin the New Year 2010, I think about what I hope to accomplish and do better this year.
1. I want to challenge myself. If there is one thing that invigorates me and makes me happier, it’s stretching myself to do things I once thought were beyond my limits and capabilities. Like running with the Couch to 5K Program, for me this means going to the gym after work and being committed to my long-term goals. This year I plan to turn all my energy into building a better, slimmer, healthier version of the Amazing Nicy(Superstar)!!!
2. Which brings me to the second to-do on my list. Help others, be generous, and give back. Not necessarily cash (Who has that?) but of myself. I plan on dedicating more time to family and friends, do the things I like and enjoy, volunteer my time to causes I believe in and dedicate more time to my relationship with Edwin.
3. That brings me to my favorite new topic: passion, and the meaningful life we can lead by following it. The trick is finding THE ONE thing you enjoy and doing it. For me it's the empowering feeling I get when I am strong and active and helping other people learn English as a Second Language.

How to find passion?
Think. What makes you happy? Do more of it...and then figure out how to make that a more prominent part of your life. Follow your passions and share them. That in itself is generous. Spread your enthusiasm and energy and others will be inspired to find theirs.
Let's challenge ourselves to be our best...personally, and together.